Here are some pics and videos from my Dave Matthews Show #14!!!!!!!
Matt at the bike parking tent! SO San Francisco!!
Almost there
Fancy food
People at one of the smaller stages
The... uh... wine tasting tent?!?! This is "concert food"?!! Super cool, there was cheese and wine and cupcakes and lots of good stuff - all from local vendors and farmers markets... very cool.
Lots of different wine tasting options!!!
Yes, this concert has a silent auction for art pieces.
This was cool, you could Twitter or Blog photos and they would be projected automatically on screens around the park
Organic Shirts
Beatles Rock Band "Living Rooms" set up
Black Eyed Peas
Orion having fun
Dave Matthews Band!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dave cuttin' it up with a guy from the Black Eyed Peas
This was really intense
Robert Randolph came out to play on Watchtower and Thank You at the end... very cool amd he was amazing at slide guitar. Very cool to hear him and Tim Reynolds playing back and forth... AMAZING!!!