Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Looks like Voxel Traversal is working

Hey all,

I spent another good 8-10 hours programming today, ohhh man I am pretty tired. But good news, I totally rocked my Propositional Logic Midterm, I got it back today and I was really happy with it. That rocks cause usually I have too much to do at Midterms and I don't do as well as I want, but this term I think it went pretty well.

Anyway I am pretty tired so I am going to reboot into Windows and do some drawing tonight, I am done with programming for the evening I think. Seems to have gone pretty well though, I wrote the Voxel Traversal today, and although there are some problems (it doesn't seem to be working for hierarchical modeling yet, probably a coordinate system translation problem), and I got some slightly incorrect reflections, it is generally working. I still need to associate the correct primitives with the correct boxes and so on, but it appears that my Voxel Traversal is mostly working, so I guess that's not too shabby. Still got lots to do for this project but Matt is being awesome and telling me not to get worked up and just keep working at it like I am, and I'll get it all done.

Here's another pretty picture, my first rendering with grid traversal!

Sphere scene with some more reflection

1 comment:

  1. hey it's stevie mudd.

    check out

    it's my new blog, and i'm hoping the fad will catch on. i want people all over the world to take it easy on a friday arvo and waste some time on the survey.

    in other news... what the hell is a voxel traversal? sounds like an old british supercar. "fetch my traversal, jeeves."

    moved back to newcastle btw, manager at harveys.

    email is still at hotmail


