Saturday, November 11, 2006

Alex is here!!

My buddy Alex from Canada is here to visit! He arrived tonight and Bill and Sarah and I went to hang out for a while in South San Francisco and then went to pick up Alex. Good times!! Alex got an insanely awesome MacBook Pro and opened it tonight and we have been checking out all the cool stuff on it for the past 2 hours. Awesome!!!

Alex is nuts, he was at an Autodesk Training day all day today and then flew here and now it's 2:20am my time, so it's like it's 5:20am his time and he's still going strong on the MacBook!! Haha man I would be totally psyched if I just got a new MacBook Pro too... that thing is SWEET!! The remote is awesome and it's very clearly a Steve Jobs-influenced design. Everything is perfect and meticulous detail is given to make everything juuussst right. It's really quite an impressive laptop. Awesome.

Alex and I at the airport

Me and Sarah, chillin'

Alex freakin' out about his sweet new MacBook Pro


Cool, it has a remote!!

Designed by Apple in California... awesome.

Alex excited to play with the new computer

Boot it up folks!!

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