Saturday, February 03, 2007

Finished XLib GUI Builder in Java

Whhaattt upppppppppppp!!

Today was sweeeeet. Last night I coded my UI Assignment from 5pm until about 2am... then watched a bunch of Scrubs and listened to some good tunes. Today I got up at Noon, and coded from 1pm until about 10:30pm and finished my readme file and did a whole bunch of testing etc!! I'm done!! Wahoo!!!! So that was quick, maybe only about 15 hours of coding, so about the same as the first assignment. I now have a GUI Builder that I made in Java, which allows you to create a Button, a Checkbox and a Label, and then automatically builds a UI in XLib to exactly match the GUI that you made visually in Java. Good times!!

Java GUI Builder that I created on the left. On the right is the result of clicking the "Write Code" button in the Java GUI Builder - a UI in XLib that matches what you visually specified in the Java program. Good times!!

I also did a code view that shows you the current code that the Java program has created to match what you have created in the Design View.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. May I use your program please ? Or could you explain it to me ??
