Friday, February 02, 2007

XLib GUI Builder in Java, and some good tunes

Tonight was sweet. It's a Friday night, and while most people would be a bit annoyed at being "stuck" inside programming for an upcoming assignment due date... I am having an awesome time!!!!!! Haha yes, I realize the relative nerdiness of the last comment, but I'm certainly cool with it, cause tonight rocked. Also... if I finish this sooner, I can go to Bomber and see some of my friends tomorrow night and bust a move. So with every step closer in my programming tonight, I am another step closer to relaxing this weekend!!

I started my UI Assignment this afternoon at about 5pm which was a bit nuts because it's due on Monday. I usually never do this for CS Assignments but this one is not too tricky, and all my friends told me it would be ok to start a bit later. This is good 'cause I was up until 4am every single night this week with work from other classes (see previous posts, and the "Man I'm tired" comments!!) Anyway... good times!!

This assignment is a GUI builder that I coded in Java, and the purpose is to build a nice fancy and pretty GUI builder for XLib! This is of course totally cool because we had to hand-code this XLib stuff for Assignment 1 and it was nuts. So now we get to spend about the same amount of time making a general purpose GUI Builder. Very cool. It has to support creating buttons, check boxes and labels. I've got the states working now, and some of the drawing working. I've also got a fancy Properties window which allows you to enter the values in on the side of the screen. I did a clear all widgets too, and put some other stuff in the menus at the top of the screen. The small squares represent checkboxes, and the larger ones represent buttons.

GUI Builder

Also while I've been programming tonight, I've spent a lot of time listening to some sweet tunes. So it turns out that a song called "9 Crimes" by Damien Rice is really good. Even better is Xavier Rudd, man I am listening to him right now and man this dude rocks.

So a successful night of programming, watching like 3 episodes of The Simpsons, and listening to some awesome tunes. Rock on. Hopefully tomorrow I can finish the assignment and then move onto other stuff like hangin' out with friends and playing some guitar maybe this weekend.

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