Thursday, March 01, 2007

Snow Afternoon!

Today we had a sort of pseudo-snow-day at Waterloo! I had 8:30am class this morning, and then did some homework and then had class until 2:30. By 2:30 it was a huge blizzard outside, snow everywhere, lots of wind and so on. Soon after it started to hail and since then there has been a whole bunch of freezing rain!! Crazy!! Freezing rain is especially nuts because it turns the roads into ice. It's going to be somewhere between -1 and 1 degree overnight, so it's possible the ice will all be there tomorrow too. If so it will probably be a snow day tomorrow as well. Crazy!!

Check out this notice from the Waterloo website. This is the second snow day this term!!
The University of Waterloo closed at 3:30 p.m. Thursday because of the winter weather currently attacking southern Ontario. That means evening classes, as well as other events and any midterm exams, were cancelled at the Waterloo and Cambridge campuses. Libraries and other services are closed, and "nonessential" night shift staff should not come to work. Officials expect the university will reopen Friday morning in the usual way, but any further announcements will be posted in this space.
Canada is nuts.

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