Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Museum of Modern Art, Jewish Art and History, and Gallerie Lafyette

Today I did TONS of stuff again!!!!!! Man it was fantastic. I started off the day again with a long breakfast and hung out and talked to my Canadian roommate and some of the Waterloo people. So that was sweet. I finally got going around 10:30am and headed towards Gallerie Lafyette. This is a sort of fancy department store, something like Macy's. But it is built in this absolutely beautiful, amazing building!!! So I loved that and got to the roof as well for a sweet view of the Opera House.

After that I found some nice Salmon, a Muesli Bagette, some Fromage Chevre (Goat's Cheese) and some red and yellow cherry tomatoes for lunch. I took the train to the Marais and chilled for lunch in Place de Igor Stravinsky, the area near the Pompidou Centre where the "mechanical fountains" are, and they were cool and super nuts. After that I went to the Museum of Jewish Art and History, and that was cool and had some very interesting artwork by Chagall and other Jewish Artists as well as some amazing Menoras from all over the world.

After that I went to the Museum of Modern Art and it was AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I spent probably 4 hours there. It was SO cool. Tons of the cubist work of Picasso and others and lots of Matisse which is just LOVED. I also really liked the stuff by Kandinsky, it rocked too. There was also a couple of Calder mobiles which ALSO rocked. It was the best museum so far for SURE.

And, onto the photos!!

Drinking wine on the steps of Sacre-Coeur with Matt last night

The roof of Gallerie Lafyette!!

Fancy parfums dans les Galleries Lafyette

Me at Gallerie Lafyette

Sweet view on the roof of Gallerie Lafyette

Opera House from the roof of Gallerie Lafyette

Gallerie Lafyette floors

Gallerie Lafyette roof

Another Ratatouille Poster in Paris!!

Crazy outdoor escalator at the Centre Georges Pompidou

Mechanical Fountains

Haha, so weird


Haha a Lips fountain!!

These were cool

My lunch

Pipes are all on the outside of Centre Georges Pompidou and are colour-coded as to what their function is (electricity vs. water etc)

Jewish Art and History Museum

Inside the Jewish Art and History Museum

Chagall painting

Cool painting of "Chad Gad Ya" song from Pesach Seder

Outside escalator again

Inside the escalator

Haha, this was at the beginning of the tour of the Museum of Modern Art, and I wasn't sure if the chair was art, or just to sit on, haha!!

Plans for inflatable art

Haha, inflatable art!!!


This was SO cool, it was a plane made out of sharp objects that were collected over a year at security at the Sao Paulo airport!!

Cool glass sculpture


Weird alligator, prime number scenario. Gotta be prepared for those mathematical alligator attacks!

Depressing/creepy sculpture, but it looked cool

And... a HUGE red rhino!!

Cool design for Microsoft Mouse

Haha, this is called "Le Nez"

Cool Matisse work

I LOVE THIS ARTWORK!! Matisse is aawesssooome!!

Kandinsky work

"On White 2" by Kandinsky

Picasso work

Calder Mobile

More Calder Mobiles

"Woman with a guitar" by Georges Braque

More Picasso work

Photo of le Tour Eiffel from the top of the Pompidou Centre

The crowd in the square outside the Pompidou Centre

Sweet pic of Paris

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I stumbled on your blog through Linkedin. It's cool that you got to intern at Pixar! I have a friend from Waterloo as well. I just wanted to say that your photos are awesome!
