Wednesday, August 01, 2007

More excitement on Craigslist

Ok so I am loving this "living in a big city" plus "Craigslist" situation.

Tonight I managed to score a FREE TV. Yes, free. There are quite a few people who are moving, or getting a new TV or whatnot and just want to get rid of theirs. So all you have to do is come and pick it up, and carry it out of their apartment on your own, and at a time that is good for them. So it totally doesn't mean that the TV is going to be decent or anything, but there is minimal cost (just getting there and back) and if it sucks, then you put it back on Craigslist for someone else to come and get for free!! So that is hilarious!! And awesome!!

Anyway check this out.

27" Sony Trinitron

Now it's not particularly new or flat screen... but until I really need a better TV this will be just fine. There seem to be lots of good deals for a few hundred dollars on there too, people who just bought bigger TVs and want to get rid of their old ones, pretty sweet. But I am not planning on an insane amount of TV watching so I am sure this will do for now. Plus it's free, so no worries!!

Haha here's what the listing said.

I got a new TV and need to part with this 27" Sony Trinitron TV before Saturday evening. It's in great condition and has a perfect picture with no scratches on the screen.

Here's the deal. It's 100% free to you, but damn heavy and four flights of stairs down to the street. If you can get it down on your own, it's yours.

So then I started looking for other stuff too. I think I can get a sweet desk on there, but unfortunately it is going to be hard to pick it up unless I get one in my area or get a friend to help me. Some people deliver as well but not usually, it looks like generally you have to pick it up yourself. But anyway this is pretty sweet.

I found some dude in my area who has a Dunlop Crybaby wah wah guitar pedal, I've wanted one of those for ages. I offered him $20 cause there are other people in the city selling them for about that much. Crazyness. Anyway we'll see how it goes. Craigslist is awesome.

As long as Matt drives me to the Mission district tomorrow night and gives me a hand, I'll get a free 27" TV. If so, I told him I'd pay for gas and buy him dinner for his help. So it's like a $20 TV. Pretty sweet!!

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