Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Entourage, Sweeeet bag, Corn on the cob

So, yeah. Entourage is TOTALLY AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's taken me waaaaaaaaay too long to start watching this show - I finally started last night and maaaaaaan it is good. I wasn't sure if I liked it right off the bat but yeah it's really awesome.

So I was kindof inspired to start watching it since the episode on this week "The Cannes Kids" just so happens to be the show from the DAY WE SAW JEREMY PIVEN AND THE CAST OF ENTOURAGE IN CANNES when I was traveling in France!!!!!!!!!!

Need a refresher? Here's the post from the day:

That was so freakin' amazing. Ok anyway they played the episode this weekend that was being filmed when I was there, so that rocks the house. Now I have a good 45 episodes or so to catch up on before I can watch it. :)

In other news, I got an FANTASTIC bag today at work. It totally rooooocks. It's one of the famous San Francisco brand Timbuk2 bags (, they are very San Francisco style and it rocks. But the coolest part?? Not only is it a Timbuk2 bag, it's ALSO swag from work!

Best bag ever made

It is really nice, and has logos from the different sections of the company on the inside, pretty awesome!!!

I am really excited to score this bag because I really needed something to chuck over my shoulder on the way to work when I am biking, and the backpack doesn't work so well if it's really hot outside. Good stuff. And now I can represent!!!!!!

In other news, I love Corn on the Cob. It's on sale somethin' fierce at the moment (it was something ridiculous like 10 cobs for $2) and I'm hittin' that up pretty hard at the moment. Just in case you want to know what I ate for dinner tonight??!

MAN this is a random post. Anyway, I've been chillin' out this evening, just watching a bunch of Entourage and should really start unpacking more stuff. I want to get some more shelving or at least a filing cabinet before I unpack too much more stuff cause I need a place to put all of it.

I wore my new Paul Frank shirt today and Matt was wearing the same shirt - I knew that was going to happen one of these days. A few strangers laughed at us. Good times.

And now... time for some dessert. And perhaps some more Entourage.

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