Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Stuff to do, random food talk

Wow I've got lots to do. My buddy Matt is coming to visit next week so I need to prepare my apartment for guests. What does that mean? Cleaning, and cleaning like a madman. The bathroom mirror, general tap/faucet cleanness is pretty much just blargh. I need to Windex that place like crazy. Kitchen isn't bad. Oh yeah that reminds me, I gotta email Matt and ask him what food he wants me to get for him so we've got something other than apple sauce, left-over grappa from my housewarming party that I haven't touched, some carrots and grapes and english muffins, and a fridge full of condiments. Like seriously. I have so much mustard, ketchup, jam and peanut butter it's not even funny. But still, not enough "normal" food. What's the deal? I seem to go through Yoghurt about as fast as I can buy it. I also (yes, I have been here 4 months) have actually NOT cooked any meat yet in my house?!?!?! Is that possible? Yes I guess so. I've had leftover curry chicken and stuff, and meat sandwiches, but no steaks on the stove or shake-and-bake chicken and also surprisingly, no salmon?!??! How have I not done this yet? I guess my evening meals are smaller lately, and usually I have some cereal and then a salad with fresh mozzarella, or some english muffins or bread with cheese or peanut butter. Occasionally I make some tortellini with pesto or tomato sauce, and occasionally I eat an entire bag of grapes or container of apple sauce. Man, my food tastes are weird. I went though a frizzante water phase a couple of months ago where I was drinking like 3 bottles a week. Now it's not on sale anymore and kindof heavy so I don't get it very often. Now I am on a "squeezed lime in water" phase, since limes and lemons are cheap and tasty and it makes drinking plain water less boring and more awesome. So I cut up a full lime and squeeze that into the water in my fridge and it makes it a bit more exciting.

Also, what's the deal with my weekends? I keep wanting to stay home and spend some much-needed time on my apartment, but I end up running around like crazy all weekend and then not doing anything at all in my apartment. Crazy. This weekend I gotta take care of a few specific things, and then I want to do some solid cleanup and work in my apartment so I can have the place a little more respectable for my buddy Matt to arrive.

Here's the plan... (yes, this is another one of those "I have to type my to-do list on the blog" kind of days)
  • Go to Men's Warehouse and get a new Tux shirt
  • Go to Men's Warehouse and rent the vest and tye for Frank's wedding
  • Use my $23 credit and 20% off coupon at Macy's towards a new pair of running shoes, a new pair of Sketchers shoes, or a shaker set so I can make fancy drinks for my friends who are visiting soon
  • Hook up my VCR and DVD player to the TV
  • See if Cable is working, if not, see if Bunny Ears are working, if not, decide if I want to spend money on paying for Cable TV now
  • Get a powerbar/surge protector
  • Get a USB 2.0 Hub
  • Organize the cables around my desk so they are more organized
  • Unpack and put together my new bookshelf from Ikea
  • Clean the bathroom, kitchen
  • Do laundry, towels, sheets
  • Get a vacuum
  • Vacuum the rug under my desk
  • Get groceries for when Matt arrives
  • Book flight to Texas for Frank's wedding
  • Haircut
I am sure there is more but that's enough to list for now. Man I've got a lot of stuff to do. I gotta keep it chill this weekend and try to do most of this stuff so I'm not completely disorganized around here when Matt arrives next week.

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