Friday, October 26, 2007

ZipCar, Cool talk, Pizza and Games night

Today was a lot of rushin' around, but it was sweet. I headed up to the Ranch again today and it was awesome as usual. As I was driving up the big hill the low-gas light turned on in my ZipCar, and that was a bit concerning cause I wasn't really sure how long that means you have until you run out of gas!! So I fortunately managed to get back down the hill when I was heading back and to the gas station, good stuff. But, I got there and reversed back and forth a bunch trying to get a decent spot, and then pulled into a spot finally and I was on the wrong side of the car and the pump hose wasn't long enough! So then I finally got a spot and tried to pump and it wasn't working. I though it had something to do with the California gas pumps being weird. Finally some guy came out there and told me my credit card didn't work in the machine (I hadn't actually put it in there) and I would have to come in and pay. So then the machine worked and I finally filled the car with gas. Then when I tried to pay and use the ZipCar credit card inside the car, it totally didn't work. The dude tried it like 3 times. So I paid with my own credit card, and I guess ZipCar reimburses you the amount. Crazy. Then back to San Francisco with no worries.

This evening I headed to a really cool Andrew Stanton talk, and saw Jim Morris (the Producer of Wall-E) there and he said Hi and remembered me!! That's really nice cause there are like a bazillion people who he must have worked with over the years and it was nice of him to say Hi. Pretty amazing talk and it's always super awesome to hear the Pixar writers... they are sooooo talented.

After the talk I biked to the Shul for a Pizza and Games Night, I haven't really done too much other than the Young Adult Shabbos thing once since the High Holidays so it was nice to check it out and meet some more people. A few nice people there actually and I had a good time, I wasn't sure if I would enjoy it but I went anyway and it was pretty fun. It was a nice smaller crowd compared to the last massive event so you got to talk to people more which was better. I think I'll go to more stuff with them for sure.

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