Thursday, February 28, 2008

Busy week!

This week is nuts!!

Work has been super awesome and very busy this week with some new work and collaborations that our team is doing. Pretty awesome stuff.

Also the start of the week was crazy with the news that I've now worked on a freakin' OSCAR WINNING FILM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ahh I still can't believe it, that is sooooooooooooooo awesome!!

I've been watching the political debates a lot, and the last one in Austin, Texas was one of the best so far. Obama is on the ball, what a legend. The tables are really starting to turn, and I think we're going to be sitting pretty if Hillary loses again in the upcoming few states.

This weekend I am planning on sorting out my taxes if my form from Waterloo ever arrives, and also trying to take my bike in to get a new non-racing style headset for it. Maybe I'll head downtown for some ferry bldg, I haven't been there in quite a while. Or maybe go biking with Matt Parrott. Or maybe just stay home and continue sorting out my stuff in my apartment. Lots of fun possibilities. I should also finally buy a dustbuster or a vacuum.

Anyway last weekend was great cause the party was awesome, and it forced me to clean my apartment like crazy. So at least that is done for a while, and on the weekend I can focus on the boxes again. I'd really like to get my toys out of there and get them to my desk at work so they aren't taking up so much space in my apartment. :)

In the last 2 minutes I just ordered a Wired Magazine subscription! Check this out... for a year subscription... it is usually $10 on Amazon, and there was a special this month... $5?!?!?!?! For a year?!?!?! Ridiculous. These magazines are usually like $6 each. Amazing. I love the USA version of Amazon. :)

Anyway it's like 3am again. I've been going to bed too late this week, there is too much going on and I am staying up way too late to try to do it all. Oh well. I am going to have a pretty chill weekend though, so it's all good. I kinda want to see the new Michel Gondry movie, "Be Kind Rewind", it looks hilarious.

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