Saturday, February 14, 2009

I'm selling my TV

So I did some calculations and the cost to pay movers to move my desk/bed/futon/coffee table and 216 LB beast of a TV is going to be expensive... nearly $400. So if I schlep all that crap myself, and someone buys my TV from craigslist (say, $100), that equals $550 which is about 3/4 of the way to a 40" Samsung 1080p LCD TV. It seems extravagant to buy such a fancy TV, but "the math doesn't lie". Also if you factor in (thanks, Lausch for this piece of genius) that when I want to move again eventually, I'll have to pay movers again to move this heavy beast (another $200 or something)... that means it's the right time to sell this one and get a new one.

If you know anyone who is in San Francisco and wants a Sony Wega Trinitron XBR KV-36XBR200 36 inch CRT TV in excellent condition, originally $1800 TV... for $100... please fwd my craigslist listing, thanks. I'm willing to take less than $100 if they can move it outta my ground-floor apartment.

Hopefully I can get rid of that in a week or two!!


  1. Dude, we got the 40" Samsung 1080p on Boxing Day and IT. IS. AWESOME. Very good call.

  2. Holler if you need help moving...
