Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Congratulations, Alex!

One of my best friends since I was 14, Alex Finlayson, is moving to the Bay Area!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is freakin' AMAZING news. Alex and I went to high school together and we were best buddies after just a few days in Grade 9 English class! We both ended up in Computer Science in University, and both spent a lot of time doing leadership training and motivational work with new students at our Universities. Our interests have been similar for quite some time, the clear definition being Mr. Kerr's OAC Electronics Interfacing class, which we both attended at Beal Secondary School as "roadrunners" from Central Secondary School in London, Ontario.

This is really fantastic news, and I'm really psyched to have another one of my best friends move out here to come to this area that has now very quickly become my home. The inspiration in the air, the entrepreneurial spirit, the keen sense of adventure... there is a lot about the Bay Area that freakin' rocks, and I'm daaaaaaaaang psyched that my buddy Alex is making his way over here. This really is the hub - so much of the computer, internet and technology revolution has happened (and continues to happen) from about a 50-100 mile radius from here, and maaaaaan it sure is exciting to be a part of it. I have no doubt that Alex will just love it here, and will fit in perfectly with the other ultra-motivated, driven, entrepreneurial people here in San Francisco and Silicon Valley.

If you know Alex, I'm sure he'd appreciate a word of congrats, and you'd better catch him quick! He's moving out here pretty soon.

He'll be working at Apple in Cupertino, on the iPhone!!

What a perfect job for him, and he's just gonna love it. Congrats buddy. Welcome to the greatest and most exciting area in the world for a Computer Scientist!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the kind words!!
    I'm looking forward to hanging out with you down there soon.
