Monday, July 06, 2009

The GTD march continues

Spent a lot of time GTD'ing again this weekend - it's sweet. I finished the book, and then "processed" all the txt-file todo lists I had sitting on my desktop. I now have more than 115 "next actions" on my iPhone App list, but they are all sectioned out into relevant lists and I'm going to try to make even more items using the "trigger lists" I got from the GTD seminar I went to as well.

This might seem a little intense but I figure it's about time I add some of my fierce prioritization/organizational vibe that I've got at work to my home-life. It seems like "about time" and I've got boxes that still need to be unpacked and organized, important paperwork that is who-knows-where, and I've really got to get all this stuff under control rather than pretending it's cool that my passport is stuffed into some moving box somewhere and I can comfortably scramble around like a crazy person the next time I need to find it before a weekend trip!

Anyhoo this is all working out well, I had a good day of sorting out a few more things and doing some housework, and putting a bunch of new tasks into the iPhone app which is acting as my organizer/reminder system. It's pretty good and seems to be working well already. Parrott just bought a filing cabinet at IKEA and I think I'm gonna follow his good example if my file folders don't fit into the one I've already got.

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