Monday, April 04, 2011

New website coming... sometime soon... ish :)

Hi friends,

Thanks for your continued interest in my blog over the past 6... (wait, really?!) years, and I hope you are all enjoying the change of focus over time. It's funny - this blog started as an easy way to keep my family and friends back home in Canada aware of my day-to-day life while on an internship at Pixar back in 2005. Since then, it's turned into a place where I post a huge amount of travel photos along with my thoughts and any unusual or exciting experience I have while exploring. I've also started re-blogging cool tech videos and interesting articles about 3D Animation, photography, and art.

With my changes in interest and general maturity of the blog over time, I'd like to announce a new look for at some point in the near future. :) One of the (very) long-term projects on my iPhone ToDo list is to re-design my website, and I recently changed the style of this blog in preparation. I have a lot of new things I'd like to post, and I want to take my website from the recently-graduated student to a more I'm-now-an-adult vibe.

Most importantly, I want to highlight my world-travel experiences and future plans. I want a more directed/serious/forward-thinking "life statement" - like an artist has an "artist's statement", I want to outline where I see my place in the world now that I'm further towards figuring that out. I want it to be clear from my website what my passion is in life, examples of how I've worked like crazy to get where I am, and how I plan to work like crazy to achieve the next items on my to-do list. I'd also like some awesome RSS feed-action linking my blog to the website, and it desperately needs a Web 2.0-ifying and some 70% grey and white text in combination.

Please kindly send any design thoughts or suggestions, I'd love to hear them. You can expect a more modern-looking and connected website sometime this year. 'Till then, I better learn some HTML 5 :)

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