Sunday, February 03, 2013

A quick state of the Jutan-union

Hi all!

When my bro Finkel (aka "Alex") finally convinced me to join Twitter I didn't think it would affect my blogging, but I suppose it has to some extent. The lighter fare blogs (eg: reposting videos or interesting articles, etc) have definitely migrated to the Twitterverse (I think that's what the kids call it these days). So feel free to Follow me there if your internet stalking has been affected (my apologies, if that is the case).

I just realized I posted a grand total of 3 times in January 2013 which is pretty meager/crazy given my history for unleashing way too many details of my adventures via this blog. Don't worry; many adventures are still happening, I'm just posting less often these days I suppose. I think maybe I overposted with my 6 month blog extravagannza that was the South America trip, so I guess this was an unplanned pause on blogging. I'm also thinking about how to better reach people with this blog, and I suspect posts will be more targeted in the future and less in the "this-is-what-I-ate-for-dinner-today" vibe, though if I eat something really good for dinner, you'll hear about it one way or another, no doubt.

What else can I report. Things are busy and exciting at work and I will be submitting a talk for the Siggraph graphics conference this year, which I am incredibly psyched about. I really hope it gets in, and if so, I will be so psyched to present it. On that note, I noticed my resume was getting a little old, so just updated it.

I'm taking a little pause on this as well (after releasing Gym Ninja at the end of December). I creeped back up a little on the weight loss goals over the Dec holidays which I am not happy about, it's not terrible, but I need to turn the heat way back up. The last month or so I've been trying a few new things like a couple different kinds of Yoga and a (crazy) high-intensity training workout. That's all going well, but I need to push harder on that stuff so I've been spending less evenings on the computer lately.

I've been meeting with OLPC-SF every month and still very inspired by their efforts, there is some really awesome stuff going on there. I've got my XO 1.75 laptop, as well as a virtualized Sugar OS and Fedora 18 OS (with a Sugar build in it) all set up. I'm currently making my way through the massive "Make your own sugar activities" manual (250 pages of awesome) and learning all the details so I can hit the ground running with the volunteer software development I will be doing for them soon.

Nothing too crazy on this front this year. I am gonna head to Texas in the summer which is going to be just about as much of a culture shock as South America was, I expect. :) Should be super awesome though.

I hope you are all well and 2013 is off to a glorious start for everyone!

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