Monday, July 04, 2016

Israel 2015 Day 37: Yeminite Food and Beach

Israel 2015 Day 37: Yeminite Food and Beach

This morning we started with an amazing breakfast from our lovely hosts. We had something called "Jachnoon", a Yeminite bread/pastry. It was a little bit chewy, and had hot tomato paste sauce to have with it! Yay for getting to try more new things!! That was a glorious start, and lots of tasty bread and Challah French Toast to go with it (salty, and not sweet!) With this glorious breakfast, we were energized to go to sit at the beach for a while.

Off we went to Herzilya Pituach to swim in the sea. While the younger ones made sand castles, the older ones/me went body surfing and crashing into the waves, punching the waves... cool bro stuff like that :)

After a nice long time at the beach, we headed back to the place Roni and Syndie were renting and they had a pool there! But first, a snack and lunch. We swam for ages. Young Nir was very adventurous in the pool and loved jumping into the pool. He would pause on the side of the pool and then launch himself at me in the pool to catch him. Haha. He'd then climb up onto my back and was having the time of his life. This reminded me so much of a Simpsons episode with Homer trying to carry 3 squirmy kids at the same time. Haha. We had a great amount of fun in the water and the water gun and Marco Polo got some good airtime. We had a good few races in there too.

After a few hours, my eyes were burning like crazy from the Chlorine. Rani said "Too much 'Chlor'!" haha "Chlor"?!? This was a really Hebrew sounding way (with the "Ch") to say "Chlorine" :) Awesome. Despite the hilariousness of the word "Chlor", my eyes actually were kinda janked, so I washed them out a lot. Orit suggested tea bags on my eyes might work... but they only had Mint tea in the house, not black tea ("Does Mint work?!") haha. I tried that for a while and it started to help. After all the sunshine and playing with the kids I was exhausted, so I had a shower and passed out for a bit during a nice afternoon nap.

After a fabulous few hour nap, I was up for an awesome BBQ hosted by Orit and Rani. Amazing!!!! Chicken skewers, lamb burgers ("Kebab"), wine from Loquats that Nir's Dad made, and Nir opened the Talisker Skye whisky I had bought for him. Lots of chatting and great food.

After a lovely evening BBQ, we dropped folks off with the car and said farewell to Michal's parents who were heading back to Canada the next day. Michal and I stopped by the grocery shop to grab some "Cotteg" (cottage cheese) and Ice Cream ("just for safety", as I'd say!) We went home and had a great sleep after another action-packed day.

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