Friday, March 30, 2007

Taxes, UI, Party, VOC, Matzah time

Wooord. Ok lots of stuff going on these days. H&R block is totally useless. I dropped off my taxes for them to do, and I called back 2 days later (they said I should to "make sure everything was ok") and the manager told me that I'll have to bus back to the mall to pick up all of my forms because "they can't handle US taxes" and I'll have to come pick them up. This is nuts. They were pretty darn unprofessional when I went in there, and it definitely looked like a major two-bit operation over there. :) Ohhh man, how frustrating. I guess it serves me right for trying to get H&R block at Conestoga Mall in Waterloo, Ontario to do my combined US/Canada taxes. Ah man. So I think I'm just going to do them myself on Sunday.

Whew. So what a schlep that was. Anyway I gotta go grab those tax forms now, probably have to take the bus over to the mall this weekend and pick them up. It's a bit of a pain but anyway, I guess I'll just bite the bullet and do them myself. I gotta get onto it though because taxes are actually due pretty soon. I'd better do them this weekend.

UI has one more assignment which is actually pretty awesome. It has to do with applying Affine Transformations along a hierarchy (sounds familiar, yep just like Graphics A3) but it's pretty straightforward and really fun too. I started today and in 3 hours I've done a good 2/3 of the assignment I think. Just need to sort out some details tomorrow and I should be rockin' and rollin'.

Tonight Joel invited us all to Morty's for some food and a nice little party. Lots of people said they were coming on the Facebook invite, but we still got a good 30 or so people there. It was great. Eventually we got downstairs to the pool table area which was sweeeeet.

I was working like a fiend today on UI because I want to party with VOC people tomorrow night, they are really awesome as always, I love the fellow Frosh Leaders and this is one of the last times we'll all get to hang out so I want to make sure I get my homework done this weekend.

In other news, it's Pesach (Passover) this coming week. the Jewish holiday where we don't eat "leavened" food for 8 days to commemorate the exodus of the Jews from slavery in Egypt. There is a big meal called a Seder next week so we're heading to a nice family in Kitchener who are going to hook up the hungry students with a legendary awesome meal. This is going to rooock.

You know what's crazy? I can't find Matzah here in Waterloo that is Kosher for Passover (i..e made in the current year so it hasn't risen so you can eat it during Passover), but almost every grocery store has a Kosher section in it which sells Matzah which is "not for Passover"?!?!! Haha that is hilarious. I can't say I know anyone who wants to eat Matzah outside of Passover, I think the point is that it's kindof dry and it's generally supposed to be an exercise in self-control: by living without certain things for a week, you come to realize their importance and how much you appreciate them in your life. I think you'd have to really want to prove this to yourself if you ate Matzah even when you weren't supposed to!! :) Seems crazy I reckon!! But, on the other hand... Matzah ball soup?!! This is a completely different story. Any day, any time. Hook it up!!!! That stuff ROCKS.

Ok well it's getting late so I better get to bed. Lots of planning yet for Europe. I gotta decide when I am going to Paris and where I am going to stay. There is so much going on still at school that I've hardly had time to think about it. It's a bit nuts but I guess eventually I'll get it all sorted out.

Alrighty time for bed. Watch out for a update in the next little while. Not too huge, but I've got a couple things I want to change around on there.

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