Saturday, March 31, 2007

UI 2D rotation assignment, The Office Mii's

Today was rockin'. I had a good 10 hour sleep, much needed. I haven't been sleeping enough lately. So that was fantastic. Then I spent about 8 hours straight programming like a maniac. I have a UI assignment due sometime next week, but I have lots going on so I wanted to get it done. I spent maybe 3 or 4 hours on it yesterday getting it going, and then today I must have gone for about 8 hours straight on it. It is about 95% done now, sweeeeeeeeet. There were some issues I ran into with picking the items, as you select the circular joints on the crane to pick the next joint you want to rotate on the crane. This is all fine and dandy, but you need to translate the pick in world coordinates into local coordinates so this was a bit of an issue. But after a bit of work it made sense and I got it working. Sweet.

I was working super hard today because I wanted to go out to another VOC party tonight, and that was pretty fun. We went for about 3 hours or so, and it was great. The people had an amazing software DJ program running on the computer downstairs and it was connected to a nice speaker system. Pretty cool stuff!! The program was called Virtual DJ, this looks like the website,, it was totally awesome!!

The party was fun and good to see some more of those cool VOC people. Tomorrow I gotta go hang out with them for a bit and then off to the mall to get my tax forms back from H&R Block (because they can't do them for me, see previous post for my rant about how this was a pain to deal with) then my roommate Yung has a choir recital/concert I am going to check out with my other roommate Nick. Good times. Looks like I'll have to do my own taxes tomorrow night, so I gotta get onto that asap.

I just found out that someone online posted pics of Nintendo Wii characters called "Miis", based on characters from The Office. This was so cool that I figured I'd better post them.

UI Crane Assignment

Crane rotated with one of the sections selected

Haha, a Dwight Mii from The Office!!

Jim from The Office, hilarious

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