Sunday, August 05, 2012


A quick post to announce some further progress. I'm at 175lbs!!!!!!!

This is a loss of 16.7% of my previous body weight, which is pretty nuts. This is getting amazingly close to my end goal (where I will switch to maintenance instead of aiming for continuing the weight loss from there) of 170 lbs, a total change which will be 19.1%. Pretty awesome stuff.

As you can see from the graph of the last 3 months, the progress over the past little while has slowed quite a lot as compared with my initial major losses, but it's still going down at a reasonably steady, albeit slower, rate. Excited to hit 175 though and I've also built some muscle in this timeframe as well. My main focus is still the weight loss though, and when I hit 170 I'm gonna switch it up and start doing a lot more fitness class kind of work.

It's prob time for another "Fat Former Self" photo, I'll have to find some horrible photo of me from a while back that I can use.

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