After the abundant sunshine report, we took off in the rental car over the Golden Gate Bridge (good times). Then we headed to Tennessee Beach where we met some of the people from the Kol Shofar group, Kendra and Scott who I met before (and are super awesome) and Adam who I didn't know and yes, was also awesome. We hiked down to the beach, chatted a bunch, and chilled out on the beach with some good food and good talk. It was a really super nice hike, fantastic weather, and it was really fun to meet everyone more in-depth and get to meet people on a deeper level than the usual "meet a bazillion people and talk to them each for 2 seconds" kind of events... fun times!!
It was also good that the hike wasn't insanely long 'cause Alex and I took off afterwards for more hiking at Muir Woods right afterwards. :) See the next post for sweet Muir Woods-y goodness.
Start of the hike
Off we go!!
Word up
Alex taking photos
Group photo!!
And another one
Sweet cliffs
Waves crashing near the shore
Me and Kendra at lunch
Adam and Scott at lunch
Two people on top of the cliff
Trying to get a candid photo of Kendra, but she noticed :)
Chillin' at lunch
Walk back
A deer we saw on the way
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