Yeah, we are in Athens at the moment... it is amazing. Also, it's one of the biggest heat waves in 40 or 50 years?!?!?! It was 42 degrees yesterday when we arrived with all our baggage, haha no wonder I was sweating that much. :) Insane!!!!!!!!!!!
Today instead of going on the "4-5 hour Athens Walking Tour", we decided we didn't want to get heat stroke so we got 6 1.5 Litre bottles of water... for 1 Euro and 50 cents!! They were really cheap, and I'm assuming that is the case because Greece roooooocks and also because it is 40-freakin'-2 degrees here. Anyhoo, we got our tickets for Mykonos and I booked a campsite for me and my new friend George from England who I just met on the train. My other new friends Kenny and Peter are from the USA and we had a great chat last night about how crazy our Universities are.
Haha Peter just told me he read an article and Greece is having "the hottest June ever on record" ahhhhhhhhhh!! I am drinking like 3 Litres of water per day and sweating out about all I put in. Insane.
Haha so yeah, it's insane here. And of course, no Air Conditioning in the youth hostel. So we are heading to the Islands tomorrow on recommendation from the dude in the hostel, he said there is more wind there and it will be cooler. Sounds like it hit 45 degrees yesterday or today?!?!?! And it's been going straight for a week. Crazy.
So we are off to Mykonos tomorrow, but first, we went to the Acropolis today and it was fantastic. Following that (and another 1.5 Litre bottle of water), I got some "Greek Delight", like Turkish Delight but Greek I suppose, it was great. We got a Spanikopita too and it was freakin' sweet. Tonight we got another Kebab. The food here rocks. Tomorrow onto Mykonos and camping on the beach. Greece is SO much cheaper than the rest of Europe so far, and just sooooooooo awesome.
George and I walking in Athens
Oh good, it's open until 8pm on Sigma-A!
Haha super funny Watermellon pickup truck street vendor
This sculpture was a bit "Davy Jones" don't ya think?
The theatre of Dynosis
Me at the Theatre of Dynosis
Outside the gates to the Parthenon
Me at the Parthenon!!
Another cool building
Everyone's pile of water bottles
More Parthenon
Me and more Parthenon
This roooocks
Yeah Greece!!
Cool sculpture of Fish-Men
Cool snake sculpture
That says "Exodus" in Greek
Haha this is soooooooooo weird. Aparantely in Greece, you CAN'T FLUSH TOILET PAPER down the toilet?!?! So you have to do what you have to do, and then for your toilet paper you have to use the conveniently placed garbage can to the left of the toilet bowl. So weird. Haha this has been one of the biggest cultural shocks so far, haha. I can't find any explanation for it other than my Lonely Planet book saying something about how the plumbing system in Greece can't handle toilet paper. I have no idea why this is.
Watermellon dude again!
This is sooo funny, weighing the mellon and then selling it
Tasty Greek Yoghurt, in a clay dish and made out of goat's milk, sweeet.
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