Saturday, June 28, 2008

And 24 hours later, we're in South Africa

Mike and Norma Jutan, comin' at cha from J-J-J-J-Johannesburg, S-S-S-South Africa!!!!!

What a crazy few days! I took the red-eye flight from San Francisco to NYC on Thursday night, man Virgin America Airlines is totally awesome. Then spent all day Friday in NYC with Norm, it was totally siiiiick. More updates about that as the days progress and I have more time for blogging. NYC rocked, we got some super Jewishy food that was outstanding, and rode the Ferris wheel at Toys R Us in Times Square. There were Wall-E advertisements EVERYWHERE. :)

Then we spent the last approx 18 hrs on airplanes and got here tonight.

My Uncle Allan (Affie) and his wife Glenda met us at the airport, along with my Granny Leah, and Uncle Jimmy, Cousin James and Aunt Denise (Mookie). Everyone has crazy nicknames in this family!

We had a really nice dinner tonight here, everyone is SO happy to see us and already lots of great stories about the family and everything. This is going to be ammmaaaaazing!!

Anyway I'm super jet-lagged and tired, but I'm gonna try to at least blog a bit every day or two. Pictures coming soon when I figure out how to download onto this machine.

Much, much more to follow.

Your African safari'ing buddy,
Mike :)

1 comment:

Marky Mark said...

Hi there. Visit my blog on Safari Stories and dangerous encounters with animals.